Färber, Alexa; Otto, Brike (2016): Saving (in) a common world: Studying urban assemblages through a low-budget urbanities perspective. In: Anders Blok/Ignacio Farias (Hg.): Urban cosmopolitics. Agencements, assemblies, atmospheres. .
Färber, Alexa (2014) Low-budget Berlin: towards an understanding of low-budget urbanity as assemblage. In: Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
Färber, Alexa (2014) Potenziale freisetzen: Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie und Assemblageforschung in der interdisziplinären kritischen Stadtforschung. In: Sub/Urban 2014:2(1) p. 95-103.
Deadline for Submissions: October 1st, 2013
Please download the full pdf here: CfP Saving The City
Deadline for Submissions: October 1st, 2013
Please download the full pdf here: CfP Saving The City